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의료기관명: 모즈의원 ┃ 사업자등록 : 287-48-00521 ┃ 대표 : 손승용
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전화문의 02.545.1618
[ModsClnic Column] Precautions for body procedure using High-Frequency Energy.

 Dr. Seung-yong Son 


As the holiday season approaches, there is a growing interest in body management. Many individuals encounter difficulties in achieving a more toned physique through exercise and short-term dietary adjustments. It is important to note that excessive dieting can result in muscle loss and a decrease in skin elasticity, necessitating careful and comprehensive care.
While some individuals contemplate procedures such as fat removal or liposuction as a means of body management, the associated costs can be a deterrent. In this context, non-surgical alternatives like "Body Inmode" have been gaining prominence. This procedure offers selective application to target problematic areas by addressing overall skin elasticity and eliminating unnecessary fat.

Body Inmode harnesses the power of high-intensity RF (Radiofrequency) energy and high-voltage HVP (High Voltage Pulsed) electrical stimulation. The high-frequency energy prompts the regeneration of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the skin layers, thus enhancing the elasticity of sagging skin. Meanwhile, electrical energy selectively dismantles superfluous fat layers, enabling the treatment of areas that may be challenging to address through exercise and dietary modifications alone.
In contrast to facial treatments like Face Inmode, which employ specific tips for facial regions, Body Inmode employs specialized tips designed for the body with an energy intensity roughly twice that of facial tips. This disparity arises from the thicker and larger surface area of body skin in comparison to the face. As such, it is crucial to ensure the use of body-specific tips to account for the differences in tip output energy.

The areas suitable for Body Inmode application include the upper arms, sagging abdominal fat, and larger thighs. It is crucial to customize the procedure based on the specific treatment area, an individual's skin elasticity, and the amount of fat involved. Moreover, due to the use of high-intensity energy, it is essential to rely on the expertise of experienced medical professionals with ample clinical experience and know-how.
Before undergoing the procedure, it is imperative to have thorough consultations with medical experts to establish a treatment plan tailored to an individual's body condition, skin thickness, and other relevant factors.
Dr. Seung-Yong Son, the director of Moze Clinic, emphasized that "Body Inmode is a non-surgical approach that does not involve incisions or anesthesia, making it virtually painless, and individuals can quickly resume their daily activities after the procedure." He advised, "However, since each person possesses unique skin characteristics, it is important to carefully examine these differences and provide personalized treatment on a one-on-one basis."


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